...To Search And Apply For College Scholarships!

While the best time to begin to look for college scholarships was yesterday, the second best time is right now.

Sooooooo, to get you started, here's a short list of scholarship search engines. Sign up. Complete all profiles. Search. And apply, apply, APPLY!

Keep in mind that most scholarships are little more than sweepstakes and contests (all legit on these sites), and take little more effort than completing a simple form. Sure, you can (and should) go for the big money where you qualify. But remember, $500 here and $100 there, and pretty soon you're talking about real money!

There's tons of FREE money out there. Go out and get some for yourself.

Yes, as with anything else worth doing, the process takes a bit of effort and lots of time. And no, I can't guarantee that you'll score enough in scholarships to pay for four years of tuition, room, and board. But I can guarantee that, if you don't apply, you won't get one red cent. As the old saying goes, "You gotta be in it to win it!"

Best of luck in your scholarship search.

Seth Bykofsky
The College Whisperer



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