We said it before, and we'll say it again. The best way to get out of college debt is to avoid it in the first place! Fewer (if any) loans. More grants and scholarships. Attending colleges that are within reach, both academically and financially.

Of course, until there's a cure for college debt, with colleges assessing reasonable, common sense tuition, financing that college education is a significant undertaking, and a major worry.

Though certainly no panacea in eliminating college debt in its entirety -- let alone in erasing more than one trillion dollars in accumulated student debt already on the books -- a new resource (and we should mention here that it is FREE) is available "...to help educate students, prospective students and families... on how to evaluate (and find) their options for financing a college education."

The National College Finance Center (NCFC) -- www.CollegeFinanceCenter.org -- pairs New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) and the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC) as a powerful facilitator of information gathering, both in paying for college and, for those already so indebted, in repaying student loans. From figuring out the true cost of college to understanding the student loan process, you'll have it all spelled out in simple, easy on the brain, language. [In fact, it is spelled out in many languages, from Afrikaans to Yiddish. We kid you not!]

Yes, all of the information provided is out there, somewhere. NCFC brings it all together in one convenient, hype-free place.

As always, an educated consumer is a college's best customer (or worst nightmare, depending upon just what they're trying to sell you)! So, when it comes to paying for college, and repaying those student loans, to be informed is to be ready.

Plan. Prepare. Prevail!

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The College Whisperer. Write us at info@TheCollegeWhisperer.com.
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